Saturday, May 28, 2011

How many people took a pay cut?

In 2010 inflation was around 1.6%. If your benefit costs like healthcare went up you need to add that percentage to the inflation rate. So 1.6% + your benefit cost % increase = x %. If your pay did not go up over that x%, you took a pay cut. Seems most every year, most people are taking a pay cut.

Company x says times are tough and they can not afford health care costs so they are cutting benefits and increasing the amount employees need to pay. They are also cutting 401k matching contributions. Oh and by the way, raises have to be very small because times are tough. Now you say, well if the company is struggling/losing money, OK, i will do my thing for the company and help out.

But...what if Company X reports year end results and ends with billions in profits? Seems odd the company is shitting all over its employees doesn't it?

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